Friday, November 4, 2022

Your credit matters

The Image Matters – Does Your Credit Reflect You? series, focuses on reclaiming our uneconomical spending and understanding the economic consequences of a poor credit image and how it can impact us from reaching our destiny. 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy… I came that they may have lifeand have it abundantly.” John 10:10, (ESV) 

 A life more abundantly includes a stress-free life not living in fear, a life of wholeness and living without bad debt. 

If your past or current credit situation is not how you envisioned your future; it is never too late to re-engineer your lifestyle for your credit image to reflect the REAL, you. 

 Our Promise makes each of us unique with a Purpose and the Potential to reach our Destiny. Image Matters! 

Lifestyle Transformation through Encouragement, Education, Execute 

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